New and Noteworthy! And Episode 2 Preview

Great Jeeves! We made the New & Noteworthy section in iTunes! Let’s keep the momentum going and keep those ratings coming!
As we gear up for second episode, we want to get more of our listeners involved. So here’s what we’re going to do: we’re going to tell you who our guests will be, and we’ll leave the floor completely open to any and all kinds of questions. In the interest of time, we’ll select our favorites and the most popular. We will be taking submissions until we start the interview, and we’ll count down the time remaining as we get closer to the date
Episode 2 will feature conversations with Jenny McConnell Frederick of the Source Festival and Julianne Brienza of the Capital Fringe Festival.
So! Have any burning questions? Send your Who’s, Why’s, What’s, Where’s, When’s, How’s, and If’s to and include “Listener Question!” in the subject line. Please include your full name in the body of the email so we know who we can credit the question to, that is, if you’d like to be credited.
Want to have your voice featured on the podcast? Here’s what you can do. Record your question or comment as you’d like it to be presented, and attach it to the email with all the same stuff! For more details about how to do that, go to this post and follow these simple instructions.
Pretty cool, huh? All right, now if you haven’t already, head on over to our Facebook to like our page and share it with your friends. Follow us on Twitter @LightsUpPodcast for the latest news from us, and please, please, please, rate the show on iTunes and leave a review if you enjoy the show.
And guess what? We just made the New & Noteworthy section in the iTunes catalog and spreading the word about the show will ensure our listener base continues to grow and helps us in giving you more content as often as possible!