Tag: dctheater
Episode 3 Preview

Hello theatre people! In episode 3, “Old Works, Different Takes, and New Lives”, we will be exploring why we choose to re-tell, re-envision, or re-invent certain stories and what makes them worth the reboot.
It’s an all too familiar phenomenon in films where they’re often literally re-made. But it’s different in theatre, and how it’s different is pretty interesting.
The Out-of-Towners and Hiring Locally

It’s no surprise that there are a lot of big decisions that theatre companies have to make to sell tickets and build prestige. But is hiring from out of town really necessary? What is gained? What is lost?
We’re looking for your stories and thoughts on the subject for an upcoming episode. Actors, producers, designers, directors, crew, and audience members, please chime in on this subject. How have hiring decisions affected your experience? Continue reading
Episode 2: Summer Festivals

Maboud and Matt are joined by guests Jenny McConnell Frederick from Cultural DC and Source Festival, Julianne Brienza and Alex Engel from Capital Fringe Festival.
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Enjoy episode #2!
A Quick Look Ahead

With our first episode live and available, we’ve gotten some really great feedback from folks and even more questions- when will the next episode be released; what are you going to talk about; can you give me hints?
Yes, I can. Here’s a little preview of what you can expect to hear in the coming episodes. Continue reading
Episode 1: Season Selection

Hi there folks! We are now live! Huzzah!
Here’s a quick description of the episode. Enjoy!
Maboud and Matt talk briefly about the show, then talk season selection with Ryan Rilette, the Producing Artistic Director of Round House Theatre, Alison Harkey and Karen Lange, Co-Artistic Directors of Pinky Swear Productions.
Please take a moment to rate the show on iTunes and recommend it to your friends. Visit our Facebook page, find us on twitter @LightsUpPodcast or just shoot us an email at lightsuppodcast@gmail.com