Episode 3 – Old Works, Different Takes, and New Lives
You may remember the previous post about this topic (Episode 3 Preview) or you might not.
In episode 3, “Old Works, Different Takes, and New Lives”, I set out to explore why we choose to re-tell, re-envision, or re-invent certain stories and what makes them worth the reboot. It’s an all too familiar phenomenon in films where they’re often literally re-made. But it’s different in theatre, and how it’s different is pretty interesting.
But things didn’t exactly play out as I planned.
What happened…
I had already recorded to interview with director Derek Goldman from Forum Theatre’s production of “Clementine in the Lower 9” back in 2013, (yes, it was that long ago) and was supposed to speak with playwright Dan Dietz, but scheduling made it impossible. After a few weeks of scrambling for a replacement, I found myself in the middle of my own professional commitments and… well you get the idea. There were delays, time and resources were extremely strained, and production pretty much came to a halt, at least publicly.
I mulled over the topic of the episode for a long time and decided not to release the interview as it was for my own reasons. Then came along “Julius Caesar” at the Folger which afforded me a new opportunity to revisit this topic, and what a fitting opportunity it was for this episode. After getting two more interviews on tape, I set to editing it all together and creating a brand new narrative for the different interviews, a challenge all on its own.
And without fail, Murphy’s Law taught me a harsh lesson in technology, never ever trust it with your homework. Long story short, the hard-drive I was using to edit all the audio failed and I lost all the work. And my back-up had failed too, so “Double Murph-ed”. As disheartening as it was, I’ve worked extremely hard to recover the data I’d lost.
What you hear in this episode, is exactly that. The all-new narrative brought back from the dead. Just to be clear, it was dead. There are sections and pieces that I was not able to recover, so you’ll have to forgive its patchwork nature. The resurrection didn’t go as smooth as I would’ve liked.
Listening to these people’s voices, who are from three different times, is a bit like time-travel. Time-travel and resurrections… hmmm sounds like quite the plot, doesn’t it?
Without any further delay…
Episode 3 – Old Works, Different Takes, and New Lives.
In this very special time-traveling episode, Maboud sets out to explore why we choose to re-tell, re-envision, and re-invent certain stories, and how they evolve. Joined by Derek Goldman, Louis Butelli, and Joe Brack.
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I’d love to hear from you. Send along your questions and thoughts on the episode to LightsUpPodcast@gmail.com or leave a comment. Don’t forget to rate the show! And share it with your friends!