Episode 3 – Old Works, Different Takes, and New Lives

Lights Up: The DC Theatre Podcast Logo

You may remember the previous post about this topic (Episode 3 Preview) or you might not.

In episode 3, “Old Works, Different Takes, and New Lives”, I set out to explore why we choose to re-tell, re-envision, or re-invent certain stories and what makes them worth the reboot. It’s an all too familiar phenomenon in films where they’re often literally re-made. But it’s different in theatre, and how it’s different is pretty interesting.

But things didn’t exactly play out as I planned.

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Oh El Capitan, my El Capitan

OSX El Capitan Hero Image

Seems a bit blasphemous to make such a reference in relation to something that will be out-dated in almost exactly one year. Well, maybe not out-dated but there will likely be a new iteration for sure. All cynicism aside, for most people, it’s an upgrade worth getting. I’ve included some of the little bits that have tickled my fancy.

Just this morning I was using Yosemite and everything was fine. I’d gotten to understand its idiosyncrasies, it’s little gimmicks and tricks, and of course its short-comings, which to be fair, are far fewer in my opinion than some people claim. And then, about 25 minutes went by and El Capitan had punched its way onto my hard drive, destroying any reservations I had about upgrading to Apple’s latest operating system. Continue reading

To blog or not to blog…

I had to… I apologize.

You see, I’m still debating whether this is a thing worth doing, this blog thing. Writing in a vacuum seems very strange. But since I’ve decided to make this site dedicated to all my side-projects, my little orphan ideas as I call them, I can’t very well just give them shelter and leave them to fend for themselves. That’d be inhumane.

Though the question of subject matter does strike me as quite the obstacle. Especially with a format like a blog, or as I like to think about it, a series of articles about certain things. I’m not what one would call a supporter of the weepy-woe-is-me-now-look-at-my-food-and-read-about-my-life thing so I’m going to do my best to give that a wide berth and leave those people to their audience. It’s not my cuppa. Maybe that’s why you’re here instead of there… for now anyway. To spend any more time thinking on it does seem totally irrelevant, and utterly on the nose or apropos considering the nature of this string of thoughts. Perhaps we have something in common, or not all for that matter. It’s all the same.

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Well, it’s finally happened…

A Literal Portrait by Maboud Ebrahimzadeh

I’ve decided to get off my duff and do something about this. So this is me starting. It’s not much now, but hopefully, I’ll keep at it and not let it fall completely by the way-side. Not being cynical, just realistic, and forcing myself into being slightly more accountable. Anyway, this is a temp post which will not stay here long anyway. Or it might. You never know.

Episode 3 Preview

Lights Up: The DC Theatre Podcast Logo

Hello theatre people! In episode 3, “Old Works, Different Takes, and New Lives”, we will be exploring why we choose to re-tell, re-envision, or re-invent certain stories and what makes them worth the reboot.

It’s an all too familiar phenomenon in films where they’re often literally re-made. But it’s different in theatre, and how it’s different is pretty interesting.

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